Showing posts with label xmlquery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label xmlquery. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2017

Generate XML data

--XML data sample to be genereated

<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<serialization SerializationRoot="SBOInboundBatchCO">

-<SBOInboundBatchCO ClassName="">

-<sboInboundBatchIO ClassName="">
<creationDate Type="DATE">2017/05/02</creationDate>
<externalReferenceDate Type="DATE">2017/05/02</externalReferenceDate>

-<sboInboundMessageIOs ClassName="" IsIndexed="1">

-<element ClassName="">
<messageCodeBehaviourCode Type="STRING">CACISBOACKGMENT</messageCodeBehaviourCode>
<messageText Type="STRING"/>
<receivableGrpId Type="STRING">615466</receivableGrpId>
<responsiblePartyIdentifier Type="STRING">Y</responsiblePartyIdentifier>

<sboName Type="STRING">CACi BD Collections</sboName>
<totalMessageCount Type="NUMERIC">284</totalMessageCount>

Used the following SQL script to get this output

declare @intTotMsgCount int , @xmlstr xml

set @inttotMsgCount = (Select count(Account_number) from Imp_staging_referrals_claims_FollowUp where imp_fileId = @intfileId

and uploaded = 1 and deleted = 0)

set @xmlstr=

(select 'SBOInboundBatchCO' as '@SerializationROOT',

select '' as '@ClassName',

select '' as '@ClassName',

'DATE' as 'creationDate/@Type',

convert(varchar(10),cast(getdate() as date) ,111) as 'creationDate',

'DATE' as 'externalReferenceDate/@Type',

convert(varchar(10),cast(getdate() as date) ,111) as 'externalReferenceDate',

select '' as '@ClassName', '1' as '@IsIndexed',

select '' as '@ClassName',

'1' as 'billingPeriodsequenceNumber',

'STRING' as 'messageCodeBehaviourCode/@Type',

'CACISBOACKGMENT' as 'messageCodeBehaviourCode',

'STRING' as 'messageText/@Type',

'' as 'messageText',

'STRING' as 'receivableGrpId/@Type',

substring(Account_Number,2,len(Account_Number)-4) as 'receivableGrpId',

'STRING' as 'responsiblePartyIdentifier/@Type',

'Y' as 'responsiblePartyIdentifier'

from Imp_staging_referrals_claims_FollowUp

where imp_fileId = @intFileId

and Facility_Code = @intClientCode

for xml path ('element') , elements,type

for xml path ('sboInboundMessageIOs') , type


,'STRING' as 'sboName/@Type',

'CACi BD Collections' as 'sboName',

'NUMERIC' AS 'totalMessageCount/@type',

@intTotMsgCount as 'totalMessageCount'

for xml path('sboInboundBatchIO'), elements,type


for xml path('SBOInboundBatchCO'), type

for xml path ('serialization') , type


select '<?xml version="1.0"?>' + cast(@xmlstr as varchar(max)) as COL_XML

Thursday, April 21, 2016

dbmail: sending html table in the email

@xml nvarchar(max),
@body nvarchar(max)


SET @xml = CAST(( SELECT clientcode AS 'td','',right(FilenameStr,charindex('\',reverse(FilenameStr),5)-1) as 'td','', cast(importstartDate as varchar) as 'td','',cast(ImportEndDate as varchar) as 'td'

,'', totnum as 'td', '', totdups as 'td','', totloaded as 'td','', totfail as 'td', '', totskip as 'td' FROM #fileList order by HospitalCode, importstartDate FOR XML PATH('tr'),ELEMENTS) as nvarchar(MAX))

--select @xml


SET @body ='<html><body><H3> files list for date ' + @sqllasjobrundate + '-' + convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112) + ' </H3>

<table border = 1>


<td> Hospital code</td> <td> Fine name </td> <td> Import start date </td></td> <td> Import end date </td>

<td> Total count in file </td><td> Total duplicates </td><td> Total imported </td><td> Total failed validation </td><td> Total skipped </td>


SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

@profile_name = '', -- replace with your SQL Database Mail Profile

@body = @body,

@body_format ='HTML',

@recipients = '', -- replace with your email address

@subject = 'file log Report ' ;
