The following script creates a table PerfMondata in a SQLMonitor database and logs the counter in the interval of 30 seconds
use [SQLMonitor]
DECLARE @PerfCounters TABLE (
[Counter] nvarchar(770),
[CounterType] int,
[FirstValue] decimal (38,2),
[FirstDateTime] datetime,
[SecondValue] decimal(38,2),
[SecondDateTime] datetime ,
[ValueDiff] AS ([SecondValue] - [FirstValue]) ,
[timeDiff] AS (DateDiff(ss,[FirstDateTime],[SecondDateTime])),
[CounterValue] decimal(38,2)
) ;
INSERT INTO @PerfCounters (
SELECT RTRIM([OBJECT_NAME]) + N' : ' + RTRIM([counter_name]) + N':' +RTRIM([instance_name]),[cntr_type],[cntr_value],GETDATE()
from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE [counter_name] IN ('Page life expectancy','Lazy writes/sec', 'Page reads/sec', 'Page writes/sec ','Page lookups/sec',
'Free list stalls/sec','User Connections','Lock Waits/sec','Number of Deadlocks/sec',
'Transactions/sec ', 'Forwarded Records/sec','Index Searches/sec','Batch Requests/sec','SQL Compilations/sec','SQL Re-Compilations/sec',
'Target Server Memory (KB)', 'Latch Waits/sec' ,'Buffer cache hit ratio'
order by [OBJECT_NAME] + N' : ' + [counter_name]+ N':' +RTRIM([instance_name])
Waitfor delay '00:00:30';
Update @PerfCounters
SET [SecondValue]= [cntr_value],
[SecondDateTime] = GETDATE()
from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
where [Counter] = RTRIM([OBJECT_NAME]) + N' : ' + RTRIM([counter_name]) + N':' +RTRIM([instance_name])
AND [counter_name] IN ('Page life expectancy','Lazy writes/sec', 'Page reads/sec', 'Page writes/sec ','Page lookups/sec',
'Free list stalls/sec','User Connections','Lock Waits/sec','Number of Deadlocks/sec',
'Transactions/sec ', 'Forwarded Records/sec','Index Searches/sec','Batch Requests/sec','SQL Compilations/sec','SQL Re-Compilations/sec',
'Target Server Memory (KB)', 'Latch Waits/sec','Buffer cache hit ratio' )
--for per sec counters
Update @PerfCounters
SET CounterValue = ([SecondValue]-[FirstValue])/(DateDiff(ss,[FirstDateTime],[SecondDateTime]))
where [counterType] = 272696576;
--for non per sec counters
Update @PerfCounters
SET CounterValue = [SecondValue]
where [counterType] <> 272696576;
select * from @PerfCounters
INSERT INTO PerfMondata (perfCounter,Value,CAptureDate)
SELECT [counter],[CounterValue],[SecondDateTime] from @PerfCounters
--select * from PerfMondata
--following stored procedure takes in a counter as the parameter and displays the report on a specific counter
use [SQLMonitor]
if OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('proc_sqlAdmin_PerfMonReport'),'IsProcedure')= 1
DROP PROCEDURE proc_sqlAdmin_PerfMonReport
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.proc_sqlAdmin_PerfMonReport
@Counter nvarchar(128)= '%'
SELECT [Perfcounter],value,captureDate
from perfMondata
WHERE [Perfcounter] like @Counter
ORDER BY [Perfcounter],[captureDate]
exec dbo.proc_sqlAdmin_PerfMonReport '%Page life expectancy%'
exec dbo.proc_sqlAdmin_PerfMonReport '%Batch Requests/sec%'
exec dbo.proc_sqlAdmin_PerfMonReport '%Page Writes/sec%'
This blog is created to add all the information and experiences that I have learnt while working on MS sql server as a DBA. The blog is also updated frequently with the real world problem that I encounter hands on at work and the resolutions to resolve them. I hope this blog will be of some use to you and you will revisit. Thank you for stopping by and you are welcome to leave comments.
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Thursday, March 19, 2015
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