Thursday, February 16, 2017

Remap the orphaned database users

I found few database users (SQL users) with no login in the database. These are orphaned users

The following query is run in the database context

-- SQL to run to identify users without login :

AND type = 'S' -- only want SQL users

AND principal_id > 4 -- ignore built in users

THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_user_without_login,*

FROM sys.database_principals

--I found the user where is_user_without_login = 1

--dropped the user
--and created the user linking the user to the login

use db_01

drop user dbuser1
create user dbuser1 for login  svrlogin1

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

SSIS: Split the file into error file upon error while inserting to the destinaltion table

The SSIS imports a flat file to the SQL table and upon error it writes out the error lines ( including the contents to the a new file e.g. file1_error.txt and inserts the error records ( account number and the row number in this case) to the error ruble in the database. This multiple tasks are possible by the Multicast step.

The script component: Script to update the rowcount is used to count the rows in the source file.

int _RowNumber = 2;

public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)



Row.RowNumber = _RowNumber;

_RowNumber += 1;
