Friday, January 27, 2017

Keeping the size of the SSISDB to minimum

The  SSISDB database size was growing large in the SQL server 2012 machine.  I had to clean the SSISDB to  bring the size to minimum.

The SSIS catalog is the central point for working with Integration Services (SSIS) projects that you’ve deployed to the SSIS server. When the SSIS catalog is implemented, the SSISDB database is automatically created.
SSIS projects, packages, parameters, environments, and operational history are all stored in the SSISDB database so if you have hundreds of SSIS packages or packages that run every few minutes you could see how the database storing all the historical information would grow exponentially.

Steps I took to reduce the size of SSISDB

Checked that the SQL maintenance job ( created by SSIS Installation) was running, the job name is SSIS Server Maintenance Job

Looking at the first step, SSIS Server Operations Records Maintenance, I notices that it executes a stored procedure named internal.cleanup_server_retention_window.  This was the stored procedure that cleans up history

Operation cleanup is enabled

I could also   see that the stored procedure queries catalog.catalog_properties to find these values.



Let’s take a look at catalog_properties
I changed the property value of the property name Retention_window to 10 days from 365 ( I could update to this short time frame as this was a dev server)
update c
set property_value = 100
from catalog.catalog_properties c
where property_name = 'RETENTION_WINDOW'
Then I ran the maintenance job again and the database size reduced.
I found all this information  in the following link-

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

SSIS error while project deployment from the local machine to the server.

While doing a SSIS project deployment on my staging server from my desktop I ran into the following error

"Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation, ( Microsoft SQL server, Error:15581)"

The staging SSISDB database was a restore copy of the production .

I tried to alter the master key with the pwd from the prod
OPEN master Key decryption by password ='password' --my prod password
ALTER Master Key ADD encryption by Service Master Key

But again got the following error -

Msg 15313, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The key is not encrypted using the specified decryptor.
Msg 15581, Level 16, State 7, Line 3
Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation.

Tried to create a master key -
Msg 15578, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
There is already a master key in the database. Please drop it before performing this statement.

tried to drop the master key -
use ssisdb
drop master key

Got the following error
Msg 15580, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot drop master key because certificate 'MS_Cert_Proj_1' is encrypted by it.

Solution :
I backed up the SSIS Key on prod from the following

use ssisdb

    ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password' 

Then I copied the key file over to the test server in v:\backupkeys_staging\SSISDBKey1
use ssisdb
RESTORE MASTER KEY FROM FILE = 'v:\backupkeys_staging\SSISDBKey1'
    DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password'  --prod password used to backup the key
    ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'newpassword' 

Using Lag to get the difference between two rows

I used the following query to find how name rows were there in a table in a given date where the time captured in a column were more than one minute between two consecutive rows

--using lag
declare @startdate date ,@enddate date

set @startdate = '01/09/2017'

set @enddate = '01/09/2017'



SELECT LogId, lag(PackageStep) over (order by packagename) Over1minPackagestep,

LAG(starttime) OVER (ORDER BY starttime)

StepStartTime ,starttime as StepEndTime, HospitalCode

FROM Package_RunHistory where cast(starttime as date) between @startdate and @enddate

) q


and DATEDIFF(minute, StepStartTime, StepEndTime) > 1

and clientcode is not null