Friday, February 28, 2014

Schema: change schema of a user

The schema of a user was associated to a different schema instead of the default schema dbo. to check the user who do not have the default schema as dbo
select 'ALTER USER [' + name + '] with default_schema = [dbo]'
from sys.database_principals
where type in ('U')
and default_schema_name not in ('dbo')
--the above lists and generates a alter script
ALTER USER [Dom1\user1] with default_schema = [dbo]

--change the schema of the stored procs
SELECT 'ALTER SCHEMA dbo TRANSFER ' + s.Name + '.' + p.Name
FROM sys.Procedures p
sys.Schemas s on p.schema_id = s.schema_id
WHERE s.Name = 'CHANGE_ME_Username'

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Fix : truncation of dynamic query result

declare @script nvarchar(max) = ''
SELECT @script += 'grant execute on [' + r.ROUTINE_NAME + '] to [GRP_eApps_allUsers]' + char(13) + char(10)
where specific_name like 'proc_eapps%'
order by specific_name
--print @script
DECLARE @stmp varchar(max)
SET @stmp = ISNULL(@script,'')
WHILE @stmp <> ''
PRINT LEFT(@stmp, 8000)
SET @stmp = substring(@stmp, 8001, len(@stmp))

Friday, February 7, 2014

Drop the user defined objects

--remove all user defined tables exec sp_MSforeachtable @command1 = 'Drop table ?';
--remove all the user defined stored procedures from the database
declare @procname nvarchar(max)
declare curProc Cursor for SELECT [name] from sys.objects where type = 'P'
Open curProc Fetch next from curProc into @procName
While @@fetch_Status = 0
Exec('drop procedure ' + @procName)
Fetch Next From curProc Into @procName
Close curProc
Deallocate curProc --drop all user defined views

Declare @viewName varchar(500)
Declare curView Cursor For Select [name] From sys.objects where type = 'v'
Open curView Fetch Next From curView Into @viewName
While @@fetch_status = 0
Exec('drop view [' + @viewName+']')
Fetch Next From curView Into @viewName
Close curView
Deallocate curView

--Remove all Triggers
-- drop all user defined triggers
Declare @trgName varchar(500)
Declare curTrig Cursor For Select [name] From sys.objects where type = 'tr'
Open curTrig Fetch Next From curTrig Into @trgName
While @@fetch_status = 0 Begin Exec('drop trigger ' + @trgName)
Fetch Next From curTrig Into @trgName
Close curTrig
Deallocate curTrig --Remove all functions -- drop all user defined scalar-valued functions
Declare @FncName varchar(500)
Declare curFunc Cursor For Select [name] From sys.objects where type = 'FN'
Open curFunc
Fetch Next From curFunc Into @FncName
While @@fetch_status = 0
Exec('drop function ' + @FncName)
Fetch Next From curFunc Into @FncName
End Close curFunc
Deallocate curFunc

-- drop all user defined table-valued functions
Declare @FncName1 varchar(500)
Declare curFunc Cursor For Select [name] From sys.objects where type = 'TF'

Open curFunc
Fetch Next From curFunc Into @FncName1
While @@fetch_status = 0
Exec('drop function ' + @FncName1)
Fetch Next From curFunc Into @FncName1
Close curFunc
Deallocate curFunc

Fix : Could not obtain exclusive lock on database 'model'

SELECT spid, loginame, DB_NAME(dbid) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE DB_NAME(dbid)='Model' If you get the following errors - MS-SQL Database Error --------------------------- Create failed for Database 'DbName1'. An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.Could not obtain exclusive lock on database 'model'. Retry the operation later.CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors. kill the connections