Showing posts with label resize database. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resize database. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Script: Log file size to a user table

DECLARE @iterator INT
DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(200)
DECLARE @exec_sql VARCHAR(500)
SET @rowcnt = 0
SET @iterator = 1
CREATE TABLE #db_file_info ( [Database_Name] SYSNAME NOT NULL, [File_ID] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [File_Type] VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, [File_Name] SYSNAME NOT NULL, [File_Path] VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL, [File_Size_in_MB] INT NOT NULL, [Space_Used_in_MB] INT NOT NULL, [Space_Left_in_MB] INT NOT NULL, [Time_collected] smalldatetime )
CREATE TABLE #db ( dbid INT, name VARCHAR(200))
SELECT database_id, name FROM sys.databases
WHERE --database_id <> 11 AND [state] <> 6
SET @rowcnt = @@ROWCOUNT
WHILE @iterator <= @rowcnt
SELECT @dbname = '['+ name + ']' FROM #db
SET @exec_sql = ' USE ' + @dbname + ';
Insert into #DB_FILE_INFO Select db_name(),fileid,case when groupid = 0 then ''log file'' else ''data file'' end, name,filename, [file_size] = convert(int,round ((sysfiles.size*1.000)/128.000,0)), [space_used] = convert(int,round(fileproperty(,''SpaceUsed'')/128.000,0)), [space_left] = convert(int,round((sysfiles.size-fileproperty(,''SpaceUsed''))/128.000,0)), getdate() from dbo.sysfiles; '
EXEC( @exec_sql)
SET @iterator = @iterator + 1
INSERT INTO SQLAdmin_Monitor_db_file_info
SELECT * FROM #db_file_info
DROP TABLE #db_file_info

Modifying database file

All the database files are set to autogrowth to 10% from the initial sizes. But,the auto growth can happen any time during business hours causing the database slow down. Therefore I am taking the following approach -

1 I have set up a sql job ( calls a script listed here) that logs the current datafile and the log file size in a table in interval of 4 hours daily. I use that historical data to research when the data file needs to grow.
2. Then I run this script from the table to find which database file has more than 95% filled up and those are the candidate for me to manually resize ( expand) the data file.
3. I use the follwing script to resize the datafile
use db1

---select * from sys.sysfiles

alter database client_343
modify file
name = client_343,
size = 1024MB