Showing posts with label SSIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSIS. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Insert null value in Database through SSIS

The inbound file had empty string that was causing the file to error when it was trying to insert in the DOB column of the table with the data type on datetime. I used a dervied coulum in the DFT and used the following the the data tranformation editor to solve the error ISNULL(DOB) || TRIM(DOB) == "" ? NULL(DT_DBDATE) : (DT_DBDATE)DOB When the file was loaded the DOB column had NULL for the empty value.

Monday, April 2, 2018

How to read mixed data type from excel file in SSIS

To fix the issue where SSIS was reading mixed data  type wrong from an EXCEL file I had to change the registry information
I had a file where the source file had account numbers where some rows had value as integer and some had alpha numeric character. When the account number had first few rows as integer the remaining rows with the alphanumeric account number value was not getting read and the value was getting imported as NULL. I followed the following steps to fix this issue in EXCEL 2012 .

  1. In Windows environments, select Start ► Run and type REGEDIT to display the Registry Editor.
  2. In the registry tree, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ► Software ► Wow6432Node ► Microsoft ► Office ► 14.0 ► Access Connectivity Engine ► Engines.
  3. Double-click the Excel node.
  4. In the right panel, double-click the TypeGuessRows entry.
  5. Change the value data from 8 to 0.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Select File ► Exit to exit the Registry Editor window.
This modification instructs Excel to scan all of the rows in the table for their data types. This action might decrease performance on very large tables, but the importation of data will be more accurate. You can also set TypeGuessRows from 0 to 16, inclusive, where 0 scans all of the rows and the other numbers set the number of rows to scan first.

Friday, December 1, 2017

How to export data from database tables to an XML file using SSIS

I had a project where I had to generate a xml file with data from database tables using SSIS.

The components involved were

Data Flow Task
OLE DB Source - which had the SQL command at the stored proc that called the XML data
Flat File Destination  that used a Flat File Connection Manager.

The important thing to remember here was the  FFCM set up .
Here are the screen shots to show I set it up .

The DFT consisted of OLEDB Sour Editor calling a procedure that generated XML data.

Below is the Flat File Connection Manager used. The format was DELIMITED.

In the Columns section a new column COL_XML is added which is the ONLY column returned by the stored procedure that has the XML data.

The final important part was the below where we set up the data type which had to be Unicode text stream

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

SSIS: Split the file into error file upon error while inserting to the destinaltion table

The SSIS imports a flat file to the SQL table and upon error it writes out the error lines ( including the contents to the a new file e.g. file1_error.txt and inserts the error records ( account number and the row number in this case) to the error ruble in the database. This multiple tasks are possible by the Multicast step.

The script component: Script to update the rowcount is used to count the rows in the source file.

int _RowNumber = 2;

public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)



Row.RowNumber = _RowNumber;

_RowNumber += 1;



Thursday, October 20, 2016

Creating Excel File using SSIS

This process creates a excel file with data from the database.

In Execute SQL Task we create the table( excel sheet) . The columns are the column names returned by the query and the names appear as it is in the header of the sheet if we have checked the box where is says first row contains header.

 The following is the data flow task where the excel destination uses a dynamic file connection manager.
We are creating the ExcelFilepath property of the connection manager as follows. WE declare a user variable called @varExcelFileName and build the expression for it as follows:
@varExcelFileName  =
@[User::varOutFilePath]+ Replace(@[User::varReconFileName],".xls","") + "_" + (DT_WSTR, 4) YEAR( GETDATE()  ) +(DT_WSTR, 2) MONTH( GETDATE()  )+(DT_WSTR, 2) DAY( GETDATE()  ) + ".xls"

Thursday, April 14, 2016

SSIS – Running single SSIS packages in Parallel to get faster performance for multiple data loads

Brief description of the project

I had to move the data from a central database to different databases (all databases with the same schema)  and I wanted to achieve this trough parallel processing instead of sequential through  a FOR loop

I created a parent package and added a sequence container in it .
I added a for loop inside the sequence container and added a call ( any number that I want to ruin in parallel ) to the child packages.

Created a parent package .

I created a package level variable varLoopQuitParent = 0 and this will be used to exit the for loop after getting updated to 1 in the EXIT FOR  script in the child package later.

The Execute SQL Task: Update Processing List comes is used to reset the different databases active processing status once the data is moved.
Now I created a child package
( The child package is called the following way from the parent package using the Execute package Task)

Child package is the  real place where everything happens.
I have a table where I have a list of clients ( databases) and the connection string that I read and put into a variable ( child package level) and use that to create the dynamic connection string to the multiple databases.
The Execute SQL task : Get Connection string into variables on the child package calls a stored procedure (proc_ResultProcessing_List) that returns the client code and the connection string to the databases and assigns to the variable varChildConnString and varClientCode.
Here is the code in the sp


-Section 1

Declare @ConnString varchar(100)

DEclare @clientCode int

--Section 2


--Section 3

SET Rowcount 1

--Section 4

select @ConnString = Connstring, @ClientCodeCode = clientCode from clientsProcessList where ds_id = 2 and Dataprocessing = 2

-- 1 is active processing

--2 is ready

--print @ConnString + space(5) + cast(@hospCode as varchar)

--section 5

UPDATE clientsProcessList


SET Dataprocessing = 1

WHERE clientCode = @clientCode

and ds_id = 2 and Dataprocessing = 2


--section 6

SET Rowcount 0

--section 7

SELECT isnull(@ConnString,'empty') as ConnectionString, isnull(@HospCode,0) as ClientCode

--section 9






print 'error here'




,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity

,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState

,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure

,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine

,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage

,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure

,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine;

print 'rollback'





Section 1
The first thing that we do is declare our @ConnString and  @clientCode
 Section 2
Next we start a Begin Tran
1.       NOTE: The reason for this is so that we can actually lock the table whilst this transaction is happening.
2.       NOTE 2: This is so that when the SSIS Packages are running in parallel, we know for a fact that each package will only get a valid ConnString   and clientCode when trying to get another value. If it tries whilst another SSIS Package is busy it will wait until the transaction has been          completed.
Section 3
We then set the RowCount to 1, this is so that we will only get one row back.
1.       NOTE: we are doing this because we only ever want to get back one ConnString  and clientcode

Section 4
Next is our TSQL Select statement
1.       Here we are getting any ConnString, clientcode from our table, where the DataProcessing is set to 2.( ready to process)
2.       We are then putting this into our @ConnString variabl and @ClientCode
Section 5
Next we are updating our table using the TABLOCK hint so that we can once again lock the entire table, to ensure that for our specific clientcode row it gets updated from a 2 to 1.
1.       NOTE: This then means that this data is and has been processed when the next package comes along looking for data to process.
 Section 6
We then set the RowCount back to 0 (zero)

 Section 7
 Then we run a TSQL Select statement so that we can then pass our  @ConnString and  @clientCode
( is null value to pass if reached EOR which is later used in the EXIT  LOOP precedence)
1.       NOTE: This is because we are using the varChildConnString and varClientCode passing this into a variable in our Execute SQL Task.
2.       NOTE 2: We also set the isNull to 0 (zero) so that when there are no more rows to process it defaults to zero, which is explained laterin the Exit Loop.
Section 8
Finally we are then committing our transaction.
Within our Execute SQL Task we also map the result set to our variable called:

Now the last thing to configure in this SSIS package is the Precedence Constraint which can be seen in the picture below

 We execute the  Execute SQL Task: Execute SPs while there is a  value in the variable ( while the sp is returning a row)
 We exit once the varHospitalCode is 0

The last step is to set the parent variable varLoopQuitParent = 1 in the EXIT loop by binding the parent variable in the child package .
Click on this LINK on how to bind (Passing Values To and From Child Packages)
The script for the EXIT LOOP
public void Main()



Dts.Variables["varLoopQuitParent"].Value = 1;
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;


Make the varLoopQuitParent as ReadWriteVaroable.